Signs of Commitment from Various Cultures Around the World

Maybe you cannot wear a wedding ring because of the type of work you do, perhaps your religion does not support wearing jewelry, or maybe you just want something different. No matter the cause, there are plenty of wonderful ways to show your commitment to your partner without wearing a wedding band. If you still plan on grabbing Limo Service Near Me newlyweds love, but plan on steering away from wedding bands—have a look at these great alternatives.

Great Cheap Limo Service Near Me newlyweds love is one thing, but how is this a sign of commitment? It is Jewish custom for newlyweds to display their wedding contract in their home. Many of them are handwritten and decorated quite beautifully, as a sign of dedication they are often hang in the living room for everyone to see.

Some couples decide that spending 2-4 months of their salary on wedding bands just isn’t worth it. A neat idea is to get a gold or silver chain, be it a bracelet or necklace. Select a charm together to signify the marriage and then when every anniversary comes around you could always grab Limo Service Bethesda recommends, go out together, and buy your partner another charm.

If you or your partner can’t wear a wedding ring because of your job, you can always wear it on a necklace or on an ankle bracelet.

Consider an engagement or wedding watch. This is perfect for women in religions where it is customary not to wear jewelry. Watches can be customized with an engraving on the back, a diamond where the number “12” would be, or even a meaningful picture on the backdrop.

Create your own idea! The key is to find something that is somewhat visible to yourself and other people; a proud sign that you are married.

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